Applications (or Products)
When you login into Voicegain Web Console, you will first land on the Main Dashboard (see image below).
In the top menu, just beside the Voicegain Logo you will see the Application (or the Product) that you are currently using. In this example below it is the STT API. Click on the Yellow breadcrumb and you should see a list of applications or products that are available to you. (The Edge option is only available to approved users).
There are 7 Voicegain Applications/Products. These products are described below
- STT API - For developers that use Voicegain's Speech-to-Text web API. You can get the JWT tokens that are required for API access from your apps. You can configure the settings - selecting the STT languages, models, setting the confidence thresholds etc.
- Telephone Bot API - Webhooks or Callback Style APIs that allow Bot/IVR developers to integrate with Telephony and ASR/TTS resources to play prompts, recognize caller utterances (Speech and DTMF).
- Transcribe - Web interface to allow users to submit pre-recorded audio files for transcription . You may also speak or play any audio from your speaker live into your microphone and submit for real-time transcription.
- Live Transcribe - Supports Live (Real-Time) Transcription. Has UI for managing Websockets that are used for broadcasting live transcription.
- MRCP ASR - Supports developers to access Voicegain over MRCP. Voicegain supports both large vocabulary and grammar based access. Also provides access to GREG IVR Tuning tool.
- Speech Analytics - this functionality is in Alpha stage and will eventually be fully replaced by a separate app -
- Edge - Allows managing of Edge (on-prem) deployments.
As shown in the image above, switching between the Applications can be accomplished by clicking on the App Switch Icon - the breadcrumb.
Contexts allow you to partition your work with Voicegain Platform and Console. You can think about them as Projects or Workspaces. Some examples how Contexts can be useful are:
- You can control authentication for each context. Each Context has a different JWT token. This allows you to create, e.g., an experimental Context and generate a JWT token for it. You can then give that token to someone to execute a set of API requests. Later you can invalidate the token and the old token will no longer be accepted for API requests.
- You can configure very specific ASR settings as defaults for the Context. Later when you make API requests, there is no need to provide ASR settings within the request.
You can add a new Context either:
- Directly from the Context switcher in the header. Click on the icon of grey breadcrumb and scroll to the bottom of the list - you will see "+ Add" option.
- From the Context Dashboard - click + button on the All Contexts Card.
You can switch between Contexts either via the Header context switcher menu or via the Context Dash.
To delete a context you need to use the Context Dash.
Overall UI Layout
The components of the Web UI are as follows:
- Center
- Dashboard, either
- Main with Announcements, Help Desk links, Status, Release Notes, etc., or
- Context - Table with Transcript result links; Table of Language Models, and ASR settings card (read-only)
- Other content corresponding to the option chosen from left side menu.
- Dashboard, either
- Header:
- Application name and switch icon
- Name of the current active Context
- Account balance
- Account settings
- Here you can see the enable features,
- as well as change account wide settings.
- Support links
- API Documentation
- Knowledge base
- User management (invite and manage other users on the Account)
- Current user profile / Logout
- Left Side Menu - the choices will depend on the currently selected Application.
- Main and Context Dashboard links
- Transcription
- you can see transcripts that were sent from API to the web console here (shows only transcripts from the current Context)
- you can also upload files for transcription and well as use microphone capture
- Language Models - you can create and manage language models here
- Link to Grafana dashboard
- Logs access
- Settings - these are Context specific - any changes made will apply only to current active Context
- API settings - you can generate JWT token here
- ASR settings - you can set ASR defaults, e.g., the default acoustic model to be used.
Note about Roles
Not all the elements of the UI will be visible to all users. When you invite new users to your account, you can specify their roles. For example, only users with "admin" role will see the Users icon in the header.
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