Any phone numbers purchased via Voicegain need to be attached to Telephony Bot Applications which in turn are associated with with webhook URLs on the Application logic side (customer is responsible for providing the Application logic.)
You can see your currently defined Telephony Bot Applications under the Phone Apps menu (left side). Note that each Voicegain Context can have its own set of Phone Apps. The reason Telephony Bot Apps belong to a Context is because apps from the same context share the same Speech Recognition and Security settings. This way you can separate your dev, test, and prod Aps for example.
New applications can be added using the New App button. You will see the following dialog:
Here are the values that need to be entered:
- App Name - only used to distinguish the Apps in the list
- Voice - default TTS voice to be used in the Application for playing prompts
- Main DNIS - the main phone number on which the application will respond. (In the future, when we support outbound calling - this will be the Caller Id)
- Secondary DNIS - additional phone number on which the application will respond. This could be a toll-free number for example.
- CSID Callback - how should the Client-side SID should be passed in the callback - Path, Query, or Body
- Speech Analytics Configuration - optional - if you want to apply some of the Speech Analytics to the recorded calls
- Recording and Transcription settings
- Logic - currently only Inbound speech logic is supported (In the future we will support also outbound logic and web interactions (as opposed to speech)).
- Callback URL - the url that will be invoked (note that it needs to respond to POST, PUT, and DELETE requests)
- User app data - string that will be passed to the webhook in the initial POST request. You can use it to e.g. distinguish different apps hosted on the same webhook URL.
Notice that each App comes with SIP URI that can be used to place calls to the App (Main DNIS is not required).
NOTE: In places you may notice RTC or AIVR uses as names for Telephony Bot API and App. This is old terminology and is being phased out.
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